Archives: FAQs

Will My Water Bill Go Up?

Possibly but in most cases No. Older mechanical meters tend to lose accuracy as they age and, therefore, may not accurately measure all the water being used. The new water meter will accurately measure the water that you use. All new meters are tested prior to delivery by the manufacturer to ensure that they register … Continued

Has This New AMI Equipment Been Tested for Accuracy and Reliability?

Yes. All upgraded meters have been tested and guaranteed accurate by the manufacturer, Mueller Systems, in compliance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) accuracy standards. Additionally, the design of the installation process includes a testing phase, which allows a subset of the meters to be installed and the billing software to be integrated, so the … Continued

What Happens If I Have A Problem After the Installation?

If you have a leak, low pressure, or some other problem after the installation, or at any other time, you will be provided contact numbers that you can call to report your concern. Because your water will be turned off temporarily during the meter change process, you may experience a brief period of air or … Continued

Do I Have to Be Home for The Meter Replacement Work?

No. Since the water meters are located outside of the home in the City right-of-way, you will not need to be home for the replacement work; however, if your water meter happens to be accessed from your back yard, we can make arrangements to schedule this work if needed. A door hanger will be placed … Continued

Can I Access Daily Readings Online?

The City plans to develop an application for your smartphone or computer that will provide real-time data to the customer about their water usage. When this is developed, water customers will have the ability to access their daily water consumption online in one-hour increments. The City intends to do a public awareness notice and publish … Continued

Do I have to pay for my new meter?

No, the City pays for the costs of the meters and their installation through existing utility fees. The City has prepared for the cost of this project as part of its annual capital improvement planning process. This project does not have any impacts to the existing water and sewer rates for the City.

Why Is the Water Meter Being Replaced?

To upgrade the meter to one capable of communicating with the AMI equipment, and as an extension of an existing program to replace aging meters after they have reached the end of their life cycle. With the introduction of newer technology, the existing meters are not able to communicate using the AMI technology. The newer … Continued

How Does AMI Benefit Customers?

• Improved customer service by increasing accuracy and frequency of meter readings. • Minimized need to access meters at the property. • Allows us to detect possible leaks daily and alert the customer immediately which can potentially save the customer from a high bill by having a leak go undetected for a month like the … Continued

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